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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

10TH Hussars

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Hi Guys I have just bought a 1914/15 Star to a Pte Hook who was in the 1Oth Hussars ihad seen one of the members gnr.ktrha discussing this soldier I was wondering if any one can put me in touch with him. Thanks in advance



send him a PM



With the amount of posts Steven,has made,I doubt his p.m. facility is activated,so hopefully,Gnr. sees the reference to the Hussars,on the Forum.

It's the old age question,why was Steven able to purchase a 1914/15,quite legitimately,without Pte Hook's War and Victory Medal?(I know no-one,can answer)



Ive sent a PM on your behalf

and perhaps the other 2 medals where never issued ??


Hello Folks,

How can I help? Pte Hook's papers are on Ancestry, I have a copy if you want any details?



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