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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Royal Engineers - CQMS William Dawson, MSM

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UPDATE - I originally posted this over two years ago - in the interim time we have found out a tremendous amount of information - in many cases thanks to the expertise of many members of this Forum.

I was able to get copies of the war diaries from both 11th Field Coy and 180th Tunnelling Coy, we found medal cards, Gazette entries, and finally we found a pension record that had most of his service record as well.

Thanks to all who helped.



Here's what I know of my Grandfather:

William Dawson, born 11th October 1879 in Swaffham.

1899-1907 blacksmith Royal Engineers #3970

1914 recalled France 11 Field COY

Received the Clasp and Roses on the 1914 Star

He was decommisioned in 1919 as a Temporary Quartermaster, some service record information indicates that he served with the 180th Tunnelling COY

We have no information as to his actual involvement with 11 Field COY or 180th Tunnelling COY.

Some anecdotal information indicates that he was wounded and spent some time in a hospital in France.

In his prior RE service he served in China during the Boxer Rising in 1900.

Can anyone point us in the right direction to help fill in some of the blanks regarding his 1914-1918 service?



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