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Infantry Battalion - Establishment

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Has any one a copy of this document? If they have I would be grateful if they cold post a list of those WO,s NCOs and other ranks who were not riflemen or in charge of riflemen. I would like to know more about the numbers of clerks, storemen, cooks etc. Thanks.

Old Tom


Hello Tom

There were several versions of this establishment. Here is the one current in 1914:

War Establishment of an infantry battalion, August 1914

HQ: Lt-Col commanding, Major 2i/c, Adjutant (captain), Quartermaster (lieutenant).

Sergeant-Major (warrant officer).

Quartermaster-Sergeant, Orderly Room Clerk (sergant or corporal), Sergeant-Drummer, Sergeant-Cook, Transport-Sergeant, Sergeant-Shoemaker, Pioneer-Sergeant, Signaller-Sergeant.

11 Drivers, 10 Pioneers, Signaller-Corporal, 15 Signallers, 16 Stretcher Bearers, 2 MO’s Orderlies, 6 Batmen.

Attached: Medical officer, Armourer-Sergeant AOC, Corporal and 4 Privates RAMC, 4 Drivers ASC.

Machine-Gun Section (2 Vickers guns): Lieutenant, Sergeant, Corporal, 12 Privates, 2 Drivers, Batman.

Four Companies, each: Major or Captain commanding, Captain 2i/c, 4 Subalterns.

Company Sergeant-Major, Company Quartermaster-Sergeant, 8 Sergeants.

10 Corporals, 188 Privates, 4 Drummers, 3 Drivers, 6 Batmen.

(One of the company subalterns also acts as battalion Transport Officer.)

The establishment includes eight lance-sergeants and 49 lance-corporals.

Left at Base: Subaltern, Orderly Room Sergeant, Band Sergeant, Sergeant Master Tailor, 2 Sergeants,

4 Storemen (one per company), 91 Privates.

And here is the version as introduced Feb 1917:

HQ, Fighting portion: Lt-Col cdg, Major 2i/c, Adjutant, Lewis Gun Officer, Signalling Officer, Bombing Officer; Sergeant-Major, Orderly Room Clerk, 2 Gas Orderlies, 13 Signallers,

4 Stretcher Bearers, 9 Runners, 11 Pioneers, 2 Cooks, 6 Batmen..

HQ, Administrative portion: Assistant Adjutant, Quartermaster, Transport Officer; Quartermaster-Sergeant, CQMS, 9 Storemen, 45 Drivers and Grooms, 3 Shoemakers, 3 Tailors, 2 Butchers, Postman, 2 Cooks, 3 Batmen.

Four cmpanies, each: Company HQ: Captain cdg, Captain 2i/c, CSM, CQMS, 4 Signallers, 4 Runners (including Batmen), Cook.

Four platoons per company, each: Subaltern, Platoon Sergeant, Signaller, Batman, Runner.

Four sections per platoon, each: NCO cdg, 9 Privates.

One section consisted of Lewis gunners, one of bombers, one of riflemen and one of rifle bombers.




Many thanks. You are mine of information.

Old Tom

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