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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum



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Hi i am trying to find out about my Grandfather { Fairlie Wallace S/2327 Y-O-B 1882.} WW1 Service record he served with the Gordon Highlanders from 1914 - to 1920, i have tryed the usual channels ,Ancestry.co.uk but they have no record of him ,i beleive a lot of service records were lost in air raids in WW-2 around 1940-41, if anyone can help or steer me in the right direction i would be very greatfull Yours Fairlie Gordon

Hi i have found out his unit was posted to Flanders on the 4 Jan 1915, does anybody no what units were posted to Flanders on this day

Cheers Fairlie

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1st was August 1914 and 2nd was also 1914. Probably 1/4th Battalion as they were landed in France BY 20th February 1915. All the others were May to July 1915. However he may have been sent as a replacement to 1st or 2nd Battalion with a draft from the Gordon's base.



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