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18th Brigade RFA/3rd & 4th Canadian Divn 1914-1916

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Hi, I'm looking for any help anyone can offer in relation to my Grandfather. I have managed to get service records from the Army Personnel Centre and a copy of his medal card. His service records show:

1 Mar 1909 - joined Royal Artillery

14 Oct 1910 - 10 Nov 1912 Posted to Africa

11 Nov 1912 - 25 Aug 1914 Posted to India

26 Aug 1914 - 21 Nov 1916 Posted to France as part of the BEF (Indian contingency)

Medal card:

Shows 'MM' below his name. 18/BDE RFA

Victory Medal (page 17189)

British War Medal

1914 Star

Dis. SMR. 5:2:19 (can anyone help with this one?)

His records show that he received the Military Medal 'for bravery in the field' London Gazette 16/11/16

I am looking for any info on the actions of the 18th Brigade and any details at all in relation into his Military Medal award.

Many thanks. Chris


Welcome to the forum, Chris

To start the ball rolling, I am guessing but could SMR be actually SNR = services no longer required? Others may know more. I think it unlikely that a citation for an MM would be published, but something may appear in the unit's war diary which should be at Kew. Again, others have more expertise.

There is material on 18th [or XVIII] Brigade RFA on the parent site - see the link at the top left of this page -which places it in the Lahore Division, Indian Army, and outlines its movements during the conflict.



Thats a very good start, thank you.

Welcome to the forum, Chris

To start the ball rolling, I am guessing but could SMR be actually SNR = services no longer required? Others may know more. I think it unlikely that a citation for an MM would be published, but something may appear in the unit's war diary which should be at Kew. Again, others have more expertise.

There is material on 18th [or XVIII] Brigade RFA on the parent site - see the link at the top left of this page -which places it in the Lahore Division, Indian Army, and outlines its movements during the conflict.



Welcome Chris,

Comprising 59, 93 and 94 Batteries and although initially with Lahore Divnl Troops in 1914; from Feb 1916 they were part of 3rd Canadian Divn, and then 4th Canadian Divn in Oct 1916. This might cover the period for his MM and the diaries just may be available for free on the Canadian archives site. Perhaps re edit your post heading & include ‘Canadian Div’ which might attract someone from that part of the hemisphere who can point you in the right direction.

Rgds Paul



You may already have this, so apologies in advance if you do, but here's his entry in the London Gazette for the award of his MM (LG#29827, 16 November 1916)

55695 Actg. Bombr. W. Anderson, R.F.A.

Link to Gazette is Here




Hi Steve,

thank you very much for your response. I had tried (unsuccessfully) to find this London Gazette page. My grandfathers military records make no reference to having been an 'Acting Bombadier' so this information is new and greatly appreciated.

Many thanks



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