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Useful Links for Researching German Soldiers



This list is intended as a starting point for basic research and does not include individual books or newspapers.

Edit: charlie2 gave some very useful links in the comments below. I have also added them to this list.


Dead, Wounded, and Missing

Verlustlisten (casualty lists): https://des.genealogy.net/eingabe-verlustlisten/search

Geheime Marine Verlustliste: https://des.genealogy.net/wk1marine/search/index

Denkmalprojekt (database of names on war memorials and rolls of honour): http://denkmalprojekt.org/

Volksbund (German war graves commission): https://www.volksbund.de/erinnern-gedenken/graebersuche-online

War graves in Baden-Württemberg: https://des.genealogy.net/labw_kgl/search/index

Vermisstenlisten Prussian army (postwar list of missing Prussian soldiers): https://des.genealogy.net/wk1vermisste/search/index

Vermisstenlisten Royal Saxon Army (postwar list of missing Saxon soldiers): https://wiki.genealogy.net/Verlustlisten_Erster_Weltkrieg/Vermisstenliste

Ehrenmal des preußischen Offizier-Korps (list of Prussian Army officers killed in the war): https://www.digibib.genealogy.net/viewer/!image/406274452D/2/


Prisoners of War

International Red Cross POW database: https://grandeguerre.icrc.org/en/

Internees in Switzerland 1916: https://des.genealogy.net/schweiz1916/search/index

Internees in Norway and Denmark (compiled by the forum's very own @JWK: https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/298127-what-is-this-pow-uniform/?do=findComment&comment=3123469


Official Lists of Officers

Prussian Officers from 1785 to 1928, from 1894 including the Royal Württembergische Officers of the XIII Armee Korps; the post-war Ehren-Rangliste is also included: https://sbc.org.pl/de/dlibra/publication/392685/edition/370076/ehren-rangliste-des-ehemaligen-deutschen-heeres-auf-grund-der-ranglistern-von-1914-mit-den-inzwischen-eingetretenen-veranderungen-herausgegeben-vom

Royal Saxon Army 1850-1914 https://digital.slub-dresden.de/werkansicht/dlf/31677/

Imperial Navy 1894-1914 http://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:hbz:061:1-468952


Soldier Records

Records of the soldiers in the Regiments of the Grand Duchy of Baden:  https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/olf/startbild.php?bestand=13908

Kingdom of Württemberg's soldiers records, card indexes for the missing, dead and POWs: https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/suche/findbuecher_mit_digitalisaten.php?archiv=1&sortierung=&klassi=1.12#_1.12

Prussian service records were destroyed in WWII. Ancestry.com has records of Bavarian soldiers.


Books and Newspapers

Erinnerungsblätter (regimental histories): https://portal.dnb.de/opac.htm?method=moveDown&currentResultId="erinnerungsblätter"%26any%26online&categoryId=dnb.wk1




Hessian newspapers from the war: https://hwk1.hebis.de/

Field newspapers digitised from the collection of the University of Heidelberg: https://www.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/helios/digi/feldzeitungen.html

Digitalised collection of the Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin, including many Great War-era books, field newspapers, and memoirs: https://digital.staatsbibliothek-berlin.de/



Die Uniformen der deutschen Armee: https://bibliotecavirtual.defensa.gob.es/BVMDefensa/i18n/catalogo_imagenes/imagen.cmd?path=169281&posicion=1&registrardownload=1

Historien-Kabinett: https://historien-kabinett.de/Home

Kaiser‘s Bunker (no longer maintained): https://kaisersbunker.com

Bekleidungsamt XIII: https://www.bekleidungsamt-13.de/Anzugsarten-1907-1918

Westphalian photo archive, including military photos: https://www.lwl.org/marsLWL/de/instance/ko/Militaeruniform.xhtml?oid=4362


Kurrentschrift/German Cursive

AI transcriptions of Kurrentschrift: https://www.transkribus.org/kurrent-transcription

Subreddit for help reading/transcribing Kurrent: https://www.reddit.com/r/Kurrent

You can also post a thread on the forum and someone will come along to assist you.



Feldgrau Forum (German-language military forum, including subforums for the Great War): https://www.feldgrau-forum.com/

Meyer's Gazetteer of the German Empire: https://www.meyersgaz.org/

Historical German address books: https://adressbuecher.genealogy.net/addressbooks

DeepL (free online translator): https://www.deepl.com/en/translator

Edited by knittinganddeath


Recommended Comments

Records of the soldiers in the Regiments of the Grand Duchy of Baden  https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/olf/startbild.php?bestand=13908

Kingdom of Württemberg - soldiers records, card indexes for the missing, dead and PoWs https://www2.landesarchiv-bw.de/ofs21/suche/findbuecher_mit_digitalisaten.php?archiv=1&sortierung=&klassi=1.12#_1.12

Vermisstenlisten - Postwar lists of those of the Prussian Army still missing. https://wiki.genealogy.net/Verlustlisten_Erster_Weltkrieg/Vermisstenliste

Geheime Marine Verlustliste https://des.genealogy.net/wk1marine/search/index

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Ehrenmal des preußischen Offizier-Korps - a list of Prussian Army officers killed in the war https://www.digibib.genealogy.net/viewer/!image/406274452D/2/

There are also the Ranglisten  ≈ Army and Navy lists. There are some years missing.

Prussian Officers from 1785 to 1928, from 1894 including the Royal Württembergische Officers of the XIII Armee Korps. The post-war Ehren-Rangliste is also included.


Royal Saxon Army 1850-1914 https://digital.slub-dresden.de/werkansicht/dlf/31677/

Imperial Navy 1894-1914 http://digital.ub.uni-duesseldorf.de/urn/urn:nbn:de:hbz:061:1-468952

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Posted (edited)

A fantastic resource being built up here and good to see.  Alles gut!👍

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@charlie2 Wonderful additions, thank you! I don't mean to be impertinent but if you, @GreyC or @AOK4 know any good online resources for uniforms that would be really useful too. Thanks in advance, guys!

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Posted (edited)

2 hours ago, knittinganddeath said:

@charlie2 Wonderful additions, thank you! I don't mean to be impertinent but if you, @GreyC or @AOK4 know any good online resources for uniforms that would be really useful too. Thanks in advance, guys!

Here are some:





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