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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum
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About this blog

This is an on-going project to add short biographies to the men on the war memorials in the Petersfield area, and trace their connections and home addresses. The first entry is a map which is growing as I add more villages.

With thanks to the Buriton Heritage Bank, Rob Mocatta (East Meon and Langrish) and Vaughan Clark (Sheet). 


Please feel free to add any information in the messages if you know more about these men. Somewhere in the legend is an acknowledgement  to the GWF; I couldn’t have got this far without you! 

Entries in this blog

Gerard Leachman - digital talk

I have put together a digital talk for the Petersfield Museum to mark 100 years since the death of Lt-Col Gerard Leachman on August 12th. Available free on YouTube for one night only,  but you will need to register via the museum website. Lots of photographs and maybe some controversial viewpoints. 😀  https://www.petersfieldmuseum.co.uk/whats-on/gerard-leachman-petersfields-lawrence-arabia-digital-talk



Lt-Col Gerard Evelyn Leachman

Written for the Petersfield Post April 2019. Not easy to précis his life in 450 words! "In St Peters Church is a stained glass window depicting St Michael in armour.  It is dedicated to Lt-Colonel Gerard Leachman, one of the most colourful and courageous figures to have come out of Petersfield.He has been described as Petersfield’s Lawrence of Arabia, but while the self-promoting Lawrence became a legend, Leachman wrote little and is now largely forgotten.Born in 1880, he was the youngest child



Private James Cooper

During the Petersfield Museum’s closed period last winter I was asked if I’d be interested in researching material for the planned commemoration of the end of the First World War. My starting point was the existing Roll of Honour and I began working my way through, plotting last known addresses and adding information that was available online. I was able to contact several family members via the internet, all of whom proved extremely willing to let us use photographs and add to what we already k



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